Contact Us

Plant questions? Need to know whether we have a particular tree, shrub, perennial, annual, indoor plant, poinsettia variety, or orchid? Use the form on the right to contact us or give us a call at 865-573-9591.

Our plant specialists are gardeners too and will be happy to help you!


3029 Davenport Rd
Knoxville, TN, 37920
United States

(865) 573-9591

Stanley's Greenhouse is a family owned and operated plant farm and garden center in Knoxville, Tennessee.


How to Order Poinsettias

Each year we expand our poinsettia offerings to provide the most complete color and presentation possibilities for your home, business, church, organization, or special event. Each year we grow a wide range of eye-catching colors and color combinations.

Interested in selling poinsettias as a fundraiser? Choose from our large selection of more traditional poinsettia varieties and colors or one of our newer poinsettia varietiesdownload the order form; choose the size you prefer and how you want the poinsettia to appear (in a plant sleeve, wrapped in paper, with bow); then give us a call at 865-573-9591. We deliver for a nominal fee.

Give us a call if you have questions!